Meditation with Lyza, Mischka and Lulu

Take a minute, to listen, breathe deeply, close your eyes and enjoy this lovely meditation xxx

We loved our visit with Mishka and Lulu whose love comes through in their music, love of each other, the planet, life and Source (God) Universal oneness… We joined together for a meditation in the rain, and I felt I wanted to share it with you fo a little peace, meditation and love in your day xox

Find out more about Mischka and Lulu or buy one of their beautiful CD’s here…

Blessings and Love, from Lyza and Cameron


We look forward to having Mischka and Lulu at another one of our events soon xxx

Meditation for healing the planet from Lyza while Lulu & Mischka are playing Guitar & singing.

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Lyza Saint Ambrosena

1 Comment

  1. Lori on February 19, 2015 at 10:12 pm

    Very nice

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