Bikram Yoga – Benefits – A journey back into our bodies

Bikram with Lyza and Cameron

Cameron and I have been dragging our busy, tired, cranky butts along to the Southport Bikram Yoga Studio to see what all the fuss was about of this phenomenon called Bikram… and 3 weeks later we’re hooked…

Cam has me now wearing a teeny weeny yoga bikini bending, twisting, sweating and enlivening our selves several times a week. I have felt my body crack and creak and groan as it releases in the joints, muscles nd ligaments where emotions have gathered together forming tightness…

I would not say it is all pleasant, however as I drink water and sweat it out, and stay persistant in the poses and committment to coming back into the room each session, I feel my soul finding its way home, back into my body and I am immensely grateful for all the benefits, truly.

  • posture-featured Bikram with Lyza Saint Ambrosena
  • Balances hormones
  • Helps Depression
  • Develops muscle tone
  • Builds strength and stamina
  • It helps weight reduction by boosting the metabolism
  • Improves circulation
  • It strengthens the immune system,
  • Improves breathing
  • Is excellent for back pain, sports injuries and bad posture.
  • Calms the nervous system
    • It reduces stress
    • Improves sleep

Bikram Yoga is so much more than an exercise; it is a therapy that heals the body, calms the mind and invigorates the soul.

Lyza Saint Ambrosena Bikram Yoga Exercise Benefits

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Lyza Saint Ambrosena


  1. Katie on July 8, 2015 at 12:00 pm

    Well done Lyza and Cam – sounds challenging, but is obviously doing you the world of good!

    love and hugs, Katie

    • Lyza Saint Ambrosena on April 10, 2017 at 10:26 pm

      You betcha ! x

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