HUGS for Healing & Health

Hugs for Healing with Lyza Who wants a Yummy hug? I have learned… that we can send something timeless… eternal through a hug, cuddle or a touch… something that means more than words… there is always time for kindness through touch, it doesnt matter if it is for 3 seconds or an hour… Sometimes, after sessions I have prescribed hugs to clients… hugging their family more, hugging others more (if they live alone)…

When we hug, hormones are released that encourage a feeling of bonding, of connection, of love and trust… Thats why we love our events, spontaneous hugging breaks out and its beautiful… no words need to be said… the feeling says “Thank you for being here, thank you for being you”…

People can be awkward at first, some may even cry with release as they let tension or fear go… some smile or giggle nervously or blush… however the key is the authenticity and the meeting of two souls… Seek out more hugs or extra longer hugs today, and feel yourself shining more for the day!

When I take and make time to connect with those I love through touch… it impacts us both for hours, for days and sometimes changes the course our lives for years… Cuddles Hugs

SO MUCH CAN BE TRANSFERRED THROUGH TOUCH … sometimes way more than words will ever convery… heart emoticon Love you Guys

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Hugs for healing with Lyza Saint Ambrosena

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Lyza Saint Ambrosena

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