I had a dream……

I had a dream……
So one night before I went to bed I asked to understand what was the symbolism and significance of the elphant and the wisdom of Ganesh, (the 1/2 elephant & 1/2 man ephigy ~ I asked for Peace and God sent me elephants to ponder on…
That night I had a dream…
I was running through the forest atop an elephant and I felt so merged with the elephants spirit that we felt as one, it was a time where everyone travelled on elephants. There were many of us running atop of our elephants rushing to a cave where they all gathered in a semi circle facing myself and the elephant I was on… as we all watched and gathered – (elephants and their humans),

there was an ascension experience where myself and the elephant I was with finally merged and ascended into an invisible experience of consciousness… here I experienced a beautiful compassionate love… and I awoke feeling that I was experiencing the feeling of the Ganesh (elephant ephigy) just beautiful. Powerful. Connecting with the power and wisdom of the ancient consciousness that is the elephant, who has seen the earth change as a species for so many more years than we.
Still so much to learn from them heart emoticon We are blessed to have them here with us… heart emoticon Thank you for listening heart emoticon Love from, Lyza

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Lyza Saint Ambrosena

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