Writing a Healing Love Letter works Miracles

Here’s one of the most powerful techniques I can share with you to heal relationships Past & Present!  Write Them A Love Letter!

It sounds simple… it is… but it is also one of the most powerful things you can do to enhance your relationships and your life, it genuinely helps you to let go of the past to receive more love in your life.YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE THE LETTER TO THE PERSON – BURN IT IF YOU CHOOSE.

Writing A Love Letter can help Heal Your Heart so You Can Move Forward in New Relationships

Writing A Love Letter can help Heal Your Heart so You Can Move Forward in New Relationships

How to Write A Love Letter

Begin by expressing your anger, resentment, judgements and blame then allow yourself to move through to the other levels until you get down to the love. I recommend that you write a love letter to every past partner thereby setting yourself free to be clear in your relationships now.

Each love letter has 6 parts and the following lead-in phrases may help you if you get stuck in any one level, if you approach each person from each of the listed points you may find and release hidden aspects that are ready to be healed within you.


Choose 1 or more of the following phrases to start your sentance…

I hate it that…

I don’t like it when…

I’m fed up with…

I resented…


Choose 1 or more of the following phrases to start your sentance…

  • I feel disappointed because…
  • I feel sad that…
  • I feel hurt because…
  • I feel awful because…


Choose 1 or more of the following phrases to start your sentance…

  • I’m afraid that …
  • I feel scared because…


Choose 1 or more of the following phrases to start your sentance…

  • I’m sorry that…
  • I’m sorry for…
  • Please forgive me for…
  • I didn’t mean to …
  • I WANT…


Thank you for…


  • Choose 1 or more of the following phrases to start your sentance…
  • I love you because…
  • I love you when…
  • Thank you for…
  • I understand that…
  • I forgive you for…


REMEMBER: You DO NOT have to give the letter to the person.

People from our past can still affect our attitude and energy levels, even when we are no longer in direct contact with them. Writing a love letter like this frees up our attitude and energy.


  • You can re-read it if you choose, before you BURN IT or simply BURN IT straight away. The idea is to gain understanding of your role in the relationship!
  • Sometimes it assists with focus if you light a candle during this process.
  • Make sure you have drunk a lot of water and have another glass or herbal tea there ready to stay hydrated. Being sufficiently hydrated aids the emotional release process.
  • Write until you are finished the entire letter.
  • If you feel that gentle emotionally soothing music will assist then put some on to listen to.
  • Don’t use loud crazy music or have a distracting television program on.
  • Switch off your phone to avoid distractions.
  • When you feel you have finished the letter, re read it.



When you feel you have clearly written all you can to your own satisfaction you have several choices of what to do with it to complete the exercise.

  • You can burn the letter when you feel ready. (This is the MOST POPULAR method of completing the exercise)
  • You can place it in an envelope addressed to the universe and place it in the freezer and then decide what to do with it later. (most popular option, again, is to burn it).
  • You can present it to the person if you feel they will respect you for it, otherwise it is not necessary as the healing is mostly in the “writing and understanding” of the letter for the WRITER not the reader.
  • You can sit and discuss the points of clarity you have realized about the relationship through writing the letter, however remember to talk about SOLUTIONS as you move forward rather than using BLAME or going over old hurtful experiences without solutions.


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Lyza Saint Ambrosena

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