Faith it ’till you make it ~ Lyza Saint Ambrosena

I want to talk about ‘faithing it’ till you make it, or practice makes perfect.

When we are practicing anything in life, whether it’s rugby, whether it’s art, whether it’s writing, obviously, each time we practice it gets easier and easier and hopefully better and better.

Practice makes perfect is the idea that we can create something magnificent simply by doing a little bit of it every day, or a lot of it over an intensive period of time and not expecting ourselves to be perfect, not expecting ourselves to be as good as somebody else who’s been doing it for years and years and years straight away.

Comparison can really be the thief of our action if we just try something for the very first time and then we try and compare it to somebody’s been doing it forever.

When we use the words faith it till we make it, this is usually in the terms of spiritual practice whether it’s meditation, yoga, intuiting your own gut instinct answers about moving forward in life.

I use the term faithing it till you make it a lot in my workshops, because sometimes, when people first come along they are thinking it’s kind of trying to meditate, trying to feel peace, trying to get in touch with their past loved ones, or feeling into the future or getting premonitions or getting gut instinct about people or even feeling energy, feeling their way forward, feeling the energy from another person, or feeling their own energy.

As I was learning this back when I was in my early 20s, I remember thinking, I can’t feel a thing, I really couldn’t feel it. But I had this belief that it all made perfect sense to me, like I was relearning something that I’ve known in another lifetime.

My faith it till you make it came when I was learning some energy techniques for sealing off the chakras, so that when I’m feeling sensitive and wanting to go into a big crowd I didn’t just suck everything in straight away. But I couldn’t feel a thing, I was imagining that I was doing what I’ve been told and then one day as I was starting to do it, I thought ‘oh my gosh I can actually feel the energy emanating from my body, I could feel this essence, this energy.’ That was me that was my organs, my glands emanating this energy.

I faithed it till I made it and when I finally felt it was just fantastic. I encourage you to do the same and faith it till you make it!

God bless.

Lyza x

Remember, if you haven’t already done so, then hurry on over and download your free copy now of “SEVEN SECRETS to Overcoming Emotional OVERWHELM” by Lyza Saint Ambrosena

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Lyza Saint Ambrosena

1 Comment

  1. sabine on May 29, 2017 at 7:49 am

    Thank you Lyza, impeccable timing as always. Got to a place of overwhelm last week, with my art. Was ready to pull the pin on everything. Then I look at Pegasus (my creation) and see the miracle in front of me, ask for forgiveness, take a deep breathe and keep moving forward. I intend to faith it till I make it

    Love you lots

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