Taking Time Out to Recharge!

Last weekend Cameron and I cast off down the Tweed River, hiring a Houseboat, taking a well deserved weekend off. Not only did we feel Recharged and Rested, we came home feeling motivated, inspired and encouraged with what we do,how we do it and how long we want to keep doing it for.We loved every minute of it! Here’s what we Learned! 

Lyza & Cameron on the Tweed River - Meditation

Captin Acmeron

SCHEDULING OUR ADVENTURES IN THE CALENDAR MORE OFTEN:   We have firmly scheduled our calendar with ADVENTURES so that we can stay physically, mentally and spiritually engaged with our work, our lives and each other! As I reccomend in my free ebook “7 secrets to Overcoming Emotional Overwhelm” we highly reccommend having a calendar in the kitchen, or online that you and the family share to schedule fun, adventures, and quality time together. It’s JUST as important as scheduling work, if not MORE!





NO WORK ZONE:   So we loaded up our laptops, books, phones just in case but didnt touch any of them! Fantastic. Our lives can be filled with others needs, calls, issues & problems to solve… so it was such a treat to just BE & listen to the breeze, each other, the sounds of silence, the water lapping along side us and the slow pace of the houseboat as we tootled along under 4 knots. Truly blessed.

PLANNING FOR INSPIRATION: We set our alarms for sunrises while on holiday, once over the Ocean and the other coming up over the flat lands near northern NSW, whilst it was uncomfortable waking and rugging up in the cold, the inspirational sunrises and peace of the dawn were worth it! Sharing these experiences together made it feel all the more special and memorable. Like kids.

13265877_981517488614118_1903874369584910285_nIMG_8806TIME TO JUST OPEN UP OUR INSPIRATION FLOW VALVES:  We played and slept and allowed out loose schedule to give us time to simply let the energy and inspiration flow through us without measure or design as if clearing and cleaning out the pipes to let old energy out and fresh energy in!  We ate, slept, cuddled, dawdled and laughed when we felt like it …


Lyza and Cameron MonleySTAYING OFF THE STIMULANTS TO DE-STRESS NATURALLY: Its tempting when there is TIME OFF… to reach for alchohol or other addictions that we feel we ” Miss Out On ” during work time… We decided to stay the course and DE STRESS naturally, with nature and just physically being calm, it wasnt easy at first but as each hour passed I felt my lungs relax and we both could breathe more deeply and restfully. De stressing, breath by breath!  It is tempting to reach for stimulants to De-stress us, but in the long run they are depressents when they wear off, so when they do wear off we are more stressed than before… either with a hangover or just dealing with the toxins, or not sleeping properly from watching too much digital input. We felt out bodies and minds respond to the relaxation chemical free. It was such a great NATURAL HIGH! So worth it.

We highly reccommend getting away from work FULLY and taking time to regenerate wholeness… Let us know in the comments below how you have been doing this lately, we would love to hear from you. We look forward to seeing you at one of our Infinite Connection Events soon for more fun, inspiration and connection xxx blessings, love from Lyza and Cameron xxx


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Lyza Saint Ambrosena

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