Why are Cam & I Sharing our Top 10 Yummiest Winter Smoothie & Juice Ingredients?

Green Juice Junkies Cameron Monley and Lyza Saint AmbrosenaOkay so its winter!   

It usually means hot, stodgy, fill-er-up sorts of meals. Dont get me wrong, we Loooove sitting down to big bowls of hot love filled meals or roasts or veggie bakes , its just our wastelines and digestive system dont always appreciate the extra work in winter when we are not as active.

So why exactly are Cam and I are going to share with you our FAVE Winter Smoothies & Juices?

1)Cause they’re Fast & Easy to Prepare

2)They are Packed full of Enzymes and alive

goodness our bodies need to keep flu’s and virus’ and bacteria at bay &

3) They taste great if you know what youre doing &

4) It gives our digestive systems a vacation (why wait till spring to trim down the belly!)

Lyza Saint Ambrosena buying fresh organic vegies



  1. Pure Water
  2. Scoop Morlife Vanilla Protein Powder
  3. Organic Banana(s) (to thicken it Best Smoothie Ingredients with Lyza Saint Ambrosena so it goes down like a thickshake)
  4. Handful(s) of Kale (easier on the liver – but be sure to balance bitter Kale with sweet flavours of fruit!!!!!!!)
  5. Tasty Organic Ripe Apples Green or Pink Lady are my faves so long as they are Sweet !
  6. Silica (to strengthen our hair, nails and skin)
  7. Hemp Oil (Omegas 3,6 & 9 for brain, digestion, blood flow)
  8. Alkalizing Greens via Morlife (Most powerdered greens taste bitter, these ones are delish-probiotics, strong greens, fruit & veg SUPER anti-cancer ALKALIZING abiliity)
  9. 1/2 Avocado – for oils, & thickshake texture it creates
  10. Coconut oil 1 TBSP

Lyza Saint Ambrosena Organic is Best JUICE


  • We love the flavour of
  • Juicy Carrots,
  • Celery,
  • Apples, and
  • Oranges (peel the skin)
  • plus the ZING of a 1/2 finger (OR MORE) of Ginger –
  • Sometimes we add Lemon (again peeling the skin especially if no organic).
  • Then Dark Green Kale (remembering Kale WILL make things bitter tasting if you use too much compared to the Other veggies).
  • Lyza Saint Ambrosena and Cameron Monley eat Organic for healthy JuicesOther Juice options: 
  • Beetroot (can make your bowels move suddenly during the day so start slow amigos)
  • Pineapple (sometimes can make it too acidic & sugary for our liking)
  • All fruit will juice, its about sugar content & taste for your palette.
  • All greens will juice eg: spinach, Rocket, (Spinach can punish the liver a bit if its raw)
  • Broccolli, Green Beans, Cucumbers can also be juiced though can lead to Gas if your body is not used to them raw! – (Maybe experiment on the weekend when youve not got a BIG DAY to impress people at the office if you catch our drift! )
  • Mint or other herbs for slight flavor & freshness
  • Tumeric bulbs to kick start your blood cleanse



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Lyza Saint Ambrosena

1 Comment

  1. Denise Hook on August 4, 2015 at 11:16 am

    Loving the tips added to the recipes
    Are you selling the green powder??

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