Switch On Your Healing Hands

Lyza Saint Ambrosena

Today as I prepare for healings I feel my  hands switch on… tingling sensations, heat, healing, I even feel the chakras starting to spin in my palms, try it… then I feel the heat warm all through my body up to my heart centre where I intend to remain all day till the final client…

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What do Multiple Numbers mean?

Many of us are seeing multiple numbers on clocks, speedometers, licence plates, letter boxes, everywhere. Here’s a breif summary of what these may mean, of course, always trust your instincts and inner knowing,… endeavour to remember what it is you have been thinking about prior to seein the numbers… this helps ! 000 New Beginnings…

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Finding Peace in the Chaos

Finding Peace in the Chaos through Nurturing Your Stillness Time to time in our lives we can be surrounded by chaos in many forms and today I wanted to remind you of the power of meditation and learning to become very very rich within you. Rich within your self awareness, within your stillness, within your…

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Loving an Awakened Woman

What do I mean by ‘awakened?’ Well, to me this is a woman that knows her worth, completely. A woman that has awakened to her truth, and knows her value is not bound to earthly material things. When a woman has truly awakened to her truth she becomes fearless in all aspects of life. She…

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